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ATD24 TD Leaders Sessions

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Making the Case to Invest in Talent Development

May 19, 2024

For an organization to succeed, it needs to invest in its talent. However, with staff shortages and budget constraints, talent development professionals may struggle to convince their organizations that investing in staff is the right decision. ATD Research collaborated with CTDO Next to create a series of case studies to help TD professionals understand how high-performing organizations are making the case for funding TD projects. The organizations included in these case studies represent small, medium, and large organizations (based on the number of employees) from various industries, including nonprofit professional membership organizations, retail trade, information, financial and insurance, transportation and warehousing, and manufacturing. As we began collecting the case studies, we noticed a theme starting to appear: TD professionals must dedicate time to many different activities to make the case for investing in talent development. During this panel discussion, you’ll hear from three of the companies included in the report. They will talk about the importance of being curious, having a good reputation, taking time to prepare, collaborating with other departments, and learning the business strategy.

Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrate the business need for talent development initiatives and apply those strategies at your organization.